We use the best ingredients to make our ice cream. Seriously. There is not one ice cream shop in Montreal that we found that even comes close.
Not only do we use the best ingredients but we also use the fewest. Organic cream, organic milk, organic cane sugar, organic egg yolks and celtic salt. That's it.
As we've learned more about making ice cream, we learned some pretty suprising things about the industry:
Most ice cream shops in Montreal don't even make their own ice cream. They just buy the base from big manufacturers, throw in some toppings and call it their own. Lame.
Many ice cream shops can't legally write "ice cream" on their menu because they put in so little cream that the milk fat percentage isn't high enough to legally qualify as ice cream.
Most brands fill their ice cream with crap. Many of them will tell you that the ingredients are naturally occurring or not bad for you but they are either misinformed or lying. Here's a list of common ingredients we've found present in many ice cream shops and grocery store brands in the city and their alternative uses.
Found in some industrial lubricants and personal lubricants due to its gelling properties.
Guar Gum
Used in hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") fluids to thicken and stabilize them.
Xanthan Gum
Industrial Drilling Fluids, Tile Grout and Cement, Fake Slime/Goo in Movies, Cosmetic Thickener
Mono- and Diglycerides
Used in certain industrial lubricants and as a surfactant in soaps and cosmetics.
Cellulose Gum
Found in laxatives and industrial adhesives.
Polysorbate 80
Used in cosmetics, vaccines, and certain pharmaceutical formulations.
Artificial Colorants
Some are derived from petroleum by-products or from crushed insects
Tapioca Syrup
Industrial glues and adhesives.
Just because ice cream is junk food doesn't mean it needs to be filled with junk. We're not out here telling you that our ice cream is a health food and is going to help you with your diet but at the end of the day, ice cream should be indulgent, not industrial. It should be a treat made with integrity, not shortcuts. Every pint we make is a testament to our belief that better ingredients make better ice cream, and better ice cream makes life a little sweeter.